Intelligent Signals, Lights & Closed-Circuit Television
ITS Roadworx use industry leading VMS board manufactures with specifications to meet strict RMS standards including galvanised poles and control boxes. They are designed to meet the rigors of heavy use in such areas as roads, construction, mining, utilities, and security sectors. VMS signs give the flexibility to be used for advertising and enforceable road rules. They are also equipped with an easy to use interface platform. Our methodologies and innovation in this sector seprates us from the competition.
Light Poles
We use industry leading street lighting pole manufacturers to securely illuminate private residential areas, commercial and industrial locations. Applications: Residential subdivisions, Commercial subdivisions, Industrial subdivisions, Major and minor roadway lighting, Car park lighting, Shopping centres, and Pathways
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is used to monitor and manage services. ITS Roadworx uses customer certified cameras to help RMS with Pinch Point upgrades, help reduce traffic bottlenecks that slow down the broader network, and assist in the protection of the public sectors.
Also improve security for the protection of agency and community assets and infrastructure, and assist in the effective responses to security, safety and emergency responses.