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Traffic Management

Traffic Management
Roadworx is RMS pre-qualified as Category G. Permits and applications to authorities are our specialty and will ensure your traffic control meet industry standards. Roadworx Traffic Control provides a professional traffic management service that caters to private and key public sectors. With our after-hours emergency hotline, state of the art vehicles, dedicated staff ready to go out at a moment’s notice. Our emergency support equipment includes traffic lights, arrow boards, light towers TMA’s and VMS boards, Roadworx leads the way in professional traffic control.

We use specialised proprietary software dedicated to the design of Traffic Management Plans (TMP). This enables our Traffic Controllers to follow RMS/Council approved TMP’s, helping to ensure the safety of the traffic corridor.
Our TMP’s fully comply with the AS1742.3 specifications. When drafting our Traffic Control Plans, experience and the required RMS certification are paramount.

Variable Message Screens (VMS)
We understand that Variable Message Screens (VMS) in traffic control is an important part of communicating with the public that use RMS infrastructure. Roadworx provides these VMS boards as part of our service to notify the public of projects approaching.

Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMA)
Our Truck Mounted Attenuators (TMA) is mounted to a shadow vehicle for purposes of protecting the work crew in front of the vehicle and protecting the motorist that might drive into a lane closed off by the shadow vehicle.

Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMP)
A CTMP can assist you in fulfilling council requirements by ensuring that the impact of construction works on public domain, in particular with respect to temporary interruptions of vehicular and pedestrian traffic is minimal.
Safeway ensures that public safety is maintained at all times and wherever possible interruptions to the user of public space is minimised.
Reports will detail:
Traffic Control Plans in accordance with AS 1742.3, Identifying affected public domain areas, Development & Construction Plan (staging of works), Measures to reduce the impact of works, Construction Plan, showing site sheds, loading zones, Pedestrian/Public Transport/Emergency Services, Truck Detour Route (if required).