Roadworx is committed to providing a quality service to our clients and developing long-term relationships. We have adopted a strategy to further evolve our multi-disciplinary approach and expand our offering to clients through investment in new technology and company acquisitions.
What Does Roadworx Do?
Roadworx principal activities include:
Provision of roads, street and highway pavements upkeep. Including spray seal, stabilisation, profiling, asphalt, decorative asphalt applications, and street sweeping
Provision of sub-division/carpark activities of earthworks, drainage including kerbing and footpaths
Provision of installs, maintenance and repairs for all traffic signals, RMS Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS), vehicle counters & CCTV systems
Production of Asphalt via our high spec batching plant at Kembla Grange
Plant hire to State agencies of Roads and Maritime Services of NSW (RMS), Sydney Trains, including a fleet of road profilers for hire in NSW
Provision of full traffic control services, Road Occupancy License (ROL), Speed Zoning Authorization (SZA), Variable Message Boards (VMS), Traffic Management Plan (TMP), Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMP) and Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA)
Provision of small volumes of concrete via our mobile batching truck